It might seem like a lot to build up to, but you’ll be surprised by how quickly you can strengthen your core, blitz that muffin top, and improve your running and running fitness.
Simply print out the plan, set the clock, and perform the exercises for the specified time listed for each day (00:30 = 30 seconds).
Let us know how you are getting on and support other bugs to complete their challenge.
Take the 30 day muffin top challenge
It might seem like a lot to build up to, but you’ll be surprised by how quickly you can strengthen your core, blitz that muffin top, and improve your running and running fitness.
Simply print out the plan, set the clock, and perform the exercises for the specified time listed for each day (00:30 = 30 seconds).
Let us know how you are getting on and support other bugs to complete their challenge.
Take the 30 day muffin top challenge
3 Easy Moves to Melt Away Your Muffin Top